Usikker på, hvilket greb du skal vælge?
Korrekt grebstørrelse er et vigtigt punkt, der ikke bør glemmes, når du vælger en kølle. Forkert størrelse får dig til at holde køllen forkert, hvilket kan påvirke både længde og retning. Tabellen nedenfor viser dig størrelsen på grebet, der passer til din hånd ved at måle eller ved hjælp af hanskestørrelse:
Tip: Fingrene skal bare bevæge sig frit og gnide din hånd, når du griber om køllen. Hvis de ikke gør det, er grebet for tykt. Test din nuværende kølle.
16 cm & shorter | Man: S, Lady: S,M,L | Undersize |
16,1-19,1 cm | Man: M, M/L | Standard |
19,2-22,9 cm | Man: L, XL | Midsize |
23 cm and longer | Man: XXL, XXXL | Oversize/Jumbo |
There are a lot of different materials and shapes on grips. Below you will get help with what might suit you.
RUBBER | Rubber grips are the most common grips on golf clubs. | |
CORD | Corded grips are grips that contain a cord material in the composition of the grip. The addition of this material helps to provide more traction in your hands in the rain as well as hotter, sweatier weather. | |
RUBBER/CORD | This grip is a hybrid of rubber and cord. The grip area is made of cord. |
ROUND | Round shape is the most commmon shape for grips and fits most. |
RIBBED | Ribbed shape features a small ridge that runs the length of the grip. It is used as a guide or reminder to players or where their hands and fingers should be on the grip. |